Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So I'm heading down memory lane today, as we prepare ourselves for  the last week in this house! Scary I know!
So one of my awesome achievements was when I got the opportunity to be able to go to King lake and do some volunteering with the rotary club! Now for those who don't know King lake got destroyed in the black Saturday bush fires in 2009 and Volunteers are helping rebuild there town.
I jumped on the bus not knowing a soul on there, but we are all there for the same reason to help those that need it! I joined the gardening Group and we got our house to do and it was this beautiful old lady Dorothy, what an amazing lady, lives alone with her dog lake, and she would bake for the community! So it was time for Us to give something back to her.
This Garden was massive over grown and burnt trees that well they were massive!
We spent hours doing Dorothy's garden and she loved having us around and listening to her stories! To this day she still doesn't quite understand how she got to keep her house when her neighbours around her lost everything ! I think someone must have been watching over her!
We gave her, her garden back and what a pleasure it was doing it!
And the team of people I worked with was awesome and we went back to revisit Dorothy and finish off what we started. Grace, Hamarnie and Michael came up with us the second time!
Was awesome!!


The team! Michelle taking the pic

This amazing Angel we found in  the rubble

Barbra and Chris

Rotary coach and other volunteers
Grace fell in love with lake

and that's the front

There she is Michelle

the revisiting crowd! Michael taking the photo

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